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Helpful products you can eat when you are Gluten & Dairy free

Flour Substitues
Neutral (light) Flours High-Protein Flours High-Fiber Flours Stabilizers (adds texture and moisture) Starches Gums
Brown Rice Flour Amaranth Flour Amaranth Flour Almond Flour Arrowroot Powder Agar Powder
Corn Flour Buckwheat Flour Buckwheat Flour Coconut Flour Cornstarch Carrageenan
Sorghum Flour Chickpea Flour Chickpea Flour Flax Seed Meal Kudzu Root Starch or Kuzu Gelatin Powder
Sweet Rice Flour Millet Flour Corn Flour Ground Chia Seed Potato Starch (not Potato flour) Guar Gum
White Rice Flour Oat Flour Mesquite Flour Oat Bran Sweet Potato Flour Locust Bean Gum
Quinoa Flour Oat Flour Potato Flour Tapioca Starch or Flour Psyllium Husk
Sorghum Flour Quinoa Flour Xanthan Gum
Teff Flour Teff Flour
Milk Substitutes
Milk Pro Cons How to Use it Good for Cooking?
Soy Milk High in Protein and usually fortified with calcium and vitamins, low in saturated fat Sweetened Varieties can be high in sugar Similar in taste and texture to cow's milk, soy milk can be used as a dairy alternative Excellent however does not have the same thickening agent as milk, so with cream soups you may need to add flour or cornstarch
Almond or Nut Milks: like Mimi Creme Good source of vitamin E, low in saturated fat and sugar, usually fortified with calcium Low in protein The mildly sweet, nutty flavor works better in baked goods, thickens well too Works best in baking. Do not use if guests have nut allergies
Rice Milk Free of the common allergens soy, gluten, and nuts Low in protein and is higher in sugar than the other options Warms well, can be used in place of cow's milk in anything Great for gluten free cooking and best in soups
Oat Milk Good source of fiber and protein, fortified with calcium, vitamin D and riboflavin Very high in sugar Consistency is too thick to use in place of cow's milk but worked in some cooking Only worked well in mashed potatoes and soups. Was too thick for baking
Coconut Milk High in iron, fiber and protein, low in sugar Very high in saturated fat, not good for people with high cholesterol Use in Indian or Thai food or when you want a very creamy pareve milk texture Very tasty in Indian and Thai food or as a coating on breaded chicken. Works well in sorbets and pareve ice creams too